Pinar Bilgin

Pinar Bilgin is a professor of International Relations at Bilkent University, Ankara. She is the author of Regional Security in the Middle East: a Critical Perspective (Routledge, 2005, 2nd ed. 2019) and The International in Security, Security in the International (Routledge, 2016), and Thinking Globally About World Politics: Beyond Global IR (with Karen Smith, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024). She is co-editor of two volumes: Decolonising Asia (with L.H.M. Ling, Ashgate, 2017) and Routledge Handbook of International Political Sociology (with Xavier Guillaume, Routledge, 2017). Her articles have appeared in Security Dialogue, Political Geography, Geopolitics, European Journal of Political Research, Review of International Studies, Third World Quarterly, International Theory, International Relations, and Foreign Policy Analysis, among others.
Email: pbilgin@bilkent.edu.tr
Webpage: pinarbilgin.me
Fabrizio Coticchia

Fabrizio Coticchia, University of Genova. He is Full Professor of Political Science at the University of Genoa. He has been Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute. His fields of research are Italian and European defense and foreign policy, party politics and security issues, military transformation. He teaches MA and PHD courses on Foreign Policy Analysis and Security Studies. His latest book is: “Reluctant Remilitarisation: Transforming Defence and the Armed Forces in Germany, Italy and Japan After the Cold War”, with F.N.Moro and M.Dian (Edinburgh University Press, 2023)
Sandra Destradi

Sandra Destradi is a Professor of International Relations at the University of Freiburg, Germany. She leads the IDEoPOP Doctoral Network. Her research interests include populist foreign policy and, more generally, the impact of populism on international politics; the role of the Global South in global governance; and issues of regional crisis management. Among her recent publications are the monograph Reluctance in World Politics: Why States Fail to Act Decisively (BUP, 2023) and a special section in International Affairs (co-edited with Daniel Wajner) titled ‘The Effects of Global Populism’.
Stephan Fouquet

Stephan Fouquet coordinates the IDEoPOP Doctoral Network at the University of Freiburg, Germany. He is also a research associate at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany. His research on the personality traits, decision-making processes, and foreign economic policies of populist leaders has been published in the Journal of International Relations and Development, Foreign Policy Analysis, and the Review of International Studies.
Emilian Kavalski

Emilian Kavalski is the NAWA Chair Professor at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland) and the Book Series Editor for Routledge’s “Rethinking Asia and International Relations” series. His work explores the interconnections between the simultaneous decentering of International Relations by post-Western perspectives and non-anthropocentric approaches. Emilian is the author of four books, including:
The Guanxi of Relational International Theory
(Routledge 2018) and he is the editor of twelve volumes, including
World Politics at the Edge of Chaos
(State University of New York Press, 2016).
Christian Lequesne

Christian Lequesne, holds BA and MA degrees from Sciences Po Strasbourg and the College of Europe, Bruges. He then got his Ph.D. in political science and his Habilitation in Sciences Po Paris (Supervisor: Professor Alfred Grosser). Assistant, Department of Political and Administrative Studies of the College of Europe (1986-1988). Research fellow and then Professor at Sciences Po since 1988, he was deputy director of CERI from 2000 to 2003, and director of CERI from 2009 to 2013. Director of the Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales (CEFRES) in Prague from 2004 to 2006, LSE–Sciences Po Alliance Professor at the European Institute of the London School of Economics from 2006 to 2008, member and vice-president of the Board of Directors of Sciences Pofrom 2007 to 2013. He is a regular visiting professor at the School of Government of LUISS University and the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna.
Phone: +33 (0) 1 58 71 70 56 – christian.lequesne@sciencespo.fr
Fredrik Söderbaum

Fredrik Söderbaumis Professor of Peace and Development Research in the School of Global Studies (SGS), University of Gothenburg and an Associate Research Fellow of the United Nations University Institute of Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS). His research focuses on comparative regionalism, regional and global governance, populism, peace and security, development theory and policy, EU foreign policy, and African politics. He has conducted field research across a wide spectrum of countries across the world and he regularly provides advice to international development agencies and international organizations.
Kilian Spandler
Dr. Kilian Spandler is Professor ad interim in International Relations at Kiel University. His research investigates the conditions for transboundary cooperation in a post-liberal world. In his work on populism, he has sought to analyze and explain how populist governments interact with institutions of global and regional governance. He has co-authored “Contestations of the Liberal International Order: A Populist Script of Regional Cooperation” (2021, Cambridge University Press, with Fredrik Söderbaum and Agnese Pacciardi) as well as several journal articles comparing populist leaders, and served as an expert on populism in the media and in popular science events. Kilian is Specialty Chief Editor for the International Studies section of Frontiers in Political Science and a former executive director of the student and young professional think tank Young Initiative on Foreign Affairs and International Relations (IFAIR).
Natasza Styczynska

Natasza Styczyńska is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of European Studies of the Jagiellonian University. Her academic interests include party politics, nationalism, populism and Euroscepticism in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans. She leads the JU team in Horizon Europe REGROUP
Rebuilding Governance and Resilience out of the Pandemic
research project. Previously, she participated in numerous research (Polish National Science Center, UK’s ESRC, Horizon 2020) and educational projects (Jean Monnet, Erasmus Plus Capacity Building, Visegrad Fund).
Leslie Wehner

Leslie E. Wehner is Professor of International Relations at the University of Bath, United Kingdom. He is currently associate editor of Foreign Policy Analysis and former Vice-President of the International Studies Association.His research interests include foreign policy role theory, International Relations theory and international political economy. He also conducts research on emerging powers (BRICS), and leaders and leadership in foreign policy, the nexus of populism and foreign policy and the foreign policies of Latin American countries. His research has been published in the British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Cooperation and Conflict, Foreign Policy Analysis, International Studies Quarterly, International Studies Review, International Relations, and Journal of International Relations and Development. Email: l.e.wehner@bath.ac.uk