The Center for International Studies (CERI) at Sciences Po Paris is seeking to appoint two PhD candidates to join European Union’s Horizon Europe – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Doctoral Networks (MSCA-DN).
Location: Paris, France with compulsory mobility inside the network
Duration of the contract: 3 years (1 March 2025 to 1 March 2028)
Expected topics for PhD dissertations
PhD 1: The impacts of populism on diplomatic policymaking PhD research objectives: Analyzing how populism impacts on leaders’ commitment in diplomacy, diplomatic services (diplomats) and political parties’ positions on diplomacy (both mainstream and populist parties). A special interest will be given to modelling why populist leaders speak loudly but act mainstream in diplomacy, analyzing relationships between populist leaders and professional diplomats.
PhD 2: The special relationships between populist parties in democracies and non-democratic governments abroad PhD research objectives: Analyzing the relations between populist parties (both far right and far left) in democracies with non-democratic states outside the national constituency. A special interest will be given to the relationships between populist parties in the EU and countries such as Russia, China and Venezuela.