General Call for Applications IDEoPOP
The new pan-European doctoral network ‘The International Dimensions and Effects of Populism’ (IDEoPOP) invites applications for 11 PhD Fellowships.
The global rise of populist movements has changed the political landscape over the past years. While populism has primarily been analysed for its domestic implications, its international dimensions and effects remain underexplored.
Funded under the European Union’s Horizon Europe – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Doctoral Networks (MSCA-DN), IDEoPOP explores how populism intersects with both domestic and international politics and how it impacts international politics. Under the guidance of some of the leading scholars in this area, a new generation of doctoral candidates will be trained in the study of the international dimensions and effects of populism.
IDEoPOP offers training-through-research within a uniquely structured doctoral programme imparting academic and complementary professional skills. A multifaceted scholarly training is provided jointly by seven academic partners, where the PhD students are employed: University of Freiburg (Germany), Sciences Po Paris (France), University of Gothenburg (Sweden), Bilkent University (Turkey), University of Genoa (Italy), Jagiellonian University (Poland), and University of Bath (UK). Moreover, doctoral candidates will learn how to develop and communicate academic and policy-relevant solutions to the challenges posed by populism in international politics via temporary assignments to renowned think tanks (Institute of International Relations Prague, International Youth Think Tank in Gothenburg, Institute for International Economic Relations in Athens, BRICS Policy Center in Rio de Janeiro, Stiftung Genshagen near Berlin, and Institut Jacques Delors in Paris).
The comprehensive training in IDEoPOP will prepare doctoral candidates for careers in academia, think tanks, government agencies, international organizations, or NGOs dealing with issues of democracy and international cooperation.
IDEoPOP offers PhD candidates an exceptional opportunity to become part of a pan-European doctoral network. They will acquire a broad range of research-focused skills in direct cooperation with established scholars of an emerging, highly topical research field. Their employability is further strengthened through secondments at associated think tanks.
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellows are offered a full-time, three-year contract at one of the seven academic partners. An attractive salary in accordance with the MSCA regulations for doctoral candidates is offered. The monthly gross salary includes 3400€ per month Living Allowance, 600€ Mobility Allowance and 660€ per month Familiy Allowance (if applicable). The Living Allowance is adjusted by specific country correction factor (see details in the specific calls). Please note that all compulsory national contributions (social security, pension, insurances, taxes etc.) to be borne by the employer and employee shall be deducted from the abovementioned amounts in line with MSCA rules. These deductions vary between countries and institutions.
We seek highly motivated early-stage researchers who hold a Master’s degree in Political Science or a related discipline and possess excellent theoretical and empirical skills. Proficiency in English is a requirement. For further details see the specific calls issued by each institution. Applications should be directed at a particular PhD project. If you apply for more than one position, please submit your applications separately to each institution, mentioning for which other position in the network you also applied.
Doctoral candidates’ recruitment is subject to the mobility rule. Applicants may be nationals of Member States, Associated Countries, or any other third country. Additionally, the applicant must not have lived or worked in the country of the recruiting beneficiary for more than 12 months in the 36 months prior to their date of recruitment, excluding short stays such as holidays.
Applicants who hold a doctorate at the date of recruitment are ineligible.
The selected candidates should ideally begin their PhD enrolment/employment in early 2025.
Our calls for application on the Euraxess portal:
Please find the institution-specific calls below.
Please check this website regularly as additional calls will be published soon.